Det här har jag skördat under veckan. Jag har börjat ta in chilepepparplantor för övervintring inomhus med, men de flesta hamnar på komposten efter skörd. Titta in till Daphne på Daphnes Dandelions för mer skördebidrag i slutet av november!
This is what I´ve been harvesting this week. I began to take solme plants in for hibernating inside the house as well, but most will just feed the compost. Please go to Daphne at Daphnes Dandelions for more contributions on late november harvest!
Uppifrån vänster rad 1 och 2(upwards from left row 1 and 2): 7 Pot Yellow (Capsicum chinense), Bolivian (Capsicum chinense) och/and Arizona (Capsicum annuum)(som börjat torka på plantan - that has been drying still on the plant), Peter Pepper Yellow (Capsicum annuum), 7 Pot Red (Capsicum chinense), Carribbean Red (Capsicum chinense), Anaheim (Capsicum annuum), Rad 3 och 4 från vänster (row 3 and 4 from left): Aji Bolivian (Capsicum baccatum), Capsicum chacoense, Red Savina (Capsicum chinense), Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Yellow (Capsicum chinense) och/and Hot Lemon (Capsicum baccatum).
Ha en trevlig kväll! Have a nice day/evening!
:) Mia
8 kommentarer:
Look at all those nice peppers - what a good variety you have!
What a great variety of chilies; they all look like they are probably pretty hot ones. I personally like the Anaheim and some jalapeno types; a lot of the others are just too hot.
@ kitaspFG - Thank You! Yes, well I try to vary! :) Have a nice day/evening! :) Mia
@ Mary - Thanks! Well I love many of the hot chilies, though it is good to have some milder as well, it all depends on what You do with them! Most of the milder varieties (mostly C. annuum) tends to not have the intense fruitiness You get with the hotter ones, like the C. baccatum, chinense and frutescens-sorts... Have a nice day/evening! :) Mia
Oj vilka fina chilifrukter.
De kommer säkert att användas till många goda rätter.
Ha det gott
Tack, så mycket, Gunilla! Japp, det kommer de! Några är redan uppätna, andra är på torkning! Ha det gott! :) Mia
Mia, får jag din adress kan jag skicka några små skockor! Kram.
Anette - jag mailar dig bums, blev lite upptagen förut! Kram tebax! :)
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