Idag ska jag ansluta mig till Daphne´s skördemåndag igen! Titta in hos henne och var med du med!
Today I will join fantastic Dahne in her Harvest Monday again! Please check out here blog!
Årets första - och minsta skörd är av sorten 'Tomberry' - inte så mycket att skryta med volymmässigt, kanske - drygt 40 tomater rymdes i en halv dl! Men de smakade rätt så gott! :) Kanske något för söta för min smak, men roliga! Dock definitivt inte världens minsta tomat, som de marknadsförts som, jag har odlat både mindre och mer välsmakande än den här sorten! Men de passade bra i en sallad gjord på romansallad (ej egen), fetaost, (inte heller egen) och prusciutto (nej, inte den heller var egen)! Men gott var det tillsammans med balsamicovinäger och citronolja! :)
Ha en härlig skördevecka!
This Years first, and hopefully the smallest harvest was today of the tomato 'Tomberry' - not so much to brag about - over 40 tomatoes fitted in less than ½ dl! But they tasted quite nice! Perhaps a bit sweet for my taste, but funny! Though definitely not the smallest there is, as thay were marketed as, I have grown far smaller and more tasteful than this one! But they were rather good in a sallad made of roman- lettuce (not homegrown), fetacheese (not home made either) and Pruisciutto (no, that one is definitely not home made)! But it was good together with some balsamic vinegar and lemon oil! :)
Have a great week harvesting! :)
:) Mia
6 kommentarer:
The first tomatoes of the year are always a highlight for me!
Well, Thank You, Adventures in Agriburbia! I will definitelly pay a visit to Your blog and check out Your harvest then! Have a great week! :) Mia
Egna tomater är alltid gott, njut. Själv har jag inga i år så jag får nöja mig med Icas.
ha det gott, Kerstin
I am discovering that there really is a lot of difference in taste of tomatoes! My Princepe Borghese are a bit tart while the Snow Whites are definitely sweet, something I never associated with tomatoes before. And the Black from Tula have a slight smokiness to them.
Tack, Kerstin, det ska jag! Även om jag inte har så många heller som förr har jag väl ett 20-tal sorter på tillväxt! Men utan egna skulle jag inte vilja vara! Ha det gott du med! :) Mia
Thanks, Mary! Yes isn´t it wonderful how many varietys there are? :) So You think the Principe Borghese is to tart? I also have them this Year, so I´m hoping for a bit of 'tartness' in them! Snow White - is that a cocktail variety? Black from Tula I had Years ago, must check my register and seedbank for that! Smokiness is good in a tomato I think! Have a great week! :) Mia
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