Idag är det äntligen skördemåndag igen och odlarna i bloggvärlden visar upp vad de har skördat under veckan! Titta in till Daphné för att se andra bidrag!
Today it´s finally Harvest Monday again and the gardeners in the blogworld shows what they harfvested during the week - please go to Daphnés for more contributions!
Nu är det verkligen skördesäsong för äpplen här i Mälardalen! Jag har bara börjat plocka och förra veckan plockade jag 12 kg äpplen. Det mesta gav jag bort, men en del åt vi upp och ett par pajer blev bakade, men jag hade faktiskt inte tid för mer skörd, då min svärfar tråkigt nog gick bort förra veckan och det var en del att ta tag i på den fronten... Jag plockade faktiskt inte en enda tomat eller chilepeppar på hela veckan! Den här veckan ska jag försöka hinna skörda klart tomaterna, göra tomatpuré och börja ta in habanero-plantorna för övervintring. Den här veckan ska jag också börja plocka ett par hundra kilo äpplen för att göra must på, så det räcker till familjen hela vintern. Här är sorterna 'Eldrött duväpple', 'Ribston' och 'Belle de Boskoop'.
Now it´s really harvest season for the autumn-apples here! I have just started to pick and the last week I picked 12 kg of apples. Most I gave away and some we just ate and I mada a couple of pies, but I really didn´t have time for more, since my father in law sadly passed away and we had quite much to take care of... Didn´t even pick one single tomato or chilli last week! This week I will try to harvest the final tomatoes, make some tomatopaste and take the habanero´s in for over-wintering. This week I will also start the Big Harvest and pick a couple of 100 kg for applejuice to last for the family the whole winter. Here are the varieties 'Fiery red pigeonapple', 'Ribston' and 'Boskoop Glory'.
Och - kolla - jag har äntligen lyckas få en squash för mig själv utan att någon annan ätit på den! 155 g av sorten 'Nimba' - ingen jätteskörd, precis, men man får vara glad för det lilla! Ha en härlig vecka! :) Mia
And - check this out - I finally got a zucchini for myself whithout anybody else eating from it! 155 g of the sort 'Nimba' - not a huge harvest, but I´m really glad for this one! Have a nice week! :) Mia
12 kommentarer:
Sending my condolences on the loss of your father-in-law. Your apple harvest looks wonderful and you must be thrilled to have that zucchini. It looks great!
Thanks a lot, nutmeg gardener!!! Oh, Yes I will eat it with great appreciation! Have a nice week! :) Mia
Those apples look great. It is apple season in my part of the world too but we do not have any trees of our own (well none that are big enough to produce anyways) so we have to buy them from the local fruit stands. They are the taste of fall.
My sympathies to you and your family on the loss of your father-in-law.
Thanks a lot, kitsapFG!!! Hope You will enjoy Your own apples in a couple of Years, when the trees mature! But locally produced ones are nice as well, of course! Have a nice week! :) Mia
So sorry to hear about your father-in-law.
Your apples look wonderful. I can't wait until I have apple trees that produce something. One tried this year, but I picked them all off since it was just its second year in the ground.
Härligt! Jag tror att jag för första gånget i mitt liv sedan jag var en lite tösunge INTE har fått en endaste squash. Så går det när man inte hinner med sina odlingar och sommaren regnar bort ;-) Men just squashen sörjer jag inte så värst.
Tråkigt på din svärfar :-( Särskilt för gubben din.
Kram på dig!
How great to have your own apples. I should look into apple festivals happening in Trentino-Alto Adige since that part of Italy is famous for them.
A question about your habanero: is it already in a pot or will you be digging it out of the ground to place in a pot and bring indoors? It's still around 18°C here and my habanero chocolate is in the ground. I intend to dig it out but right now it has about a dozen green-colored peppers on it, so I'm waiting until they turn a chocolate color.
Thanks a lot, Daphne!!! I admire Your determination to pick of the fruits on Young trees! It´s probably the best in the long run! Hope You will enjoy apples the forthcoming Years instead! Have a nice week! :) Mia
Tack, gulliga Fia!!! Ja, jag tror inte heller att jag varit utan förr, mycket märkligt, men det har regnat extremt mycket med! Hoppas din vecka blir fin! Kram tebax! :) Mia
Thanks, Rowena! Sounds lovely with apple-festivals! We have it in the more southern parts of Sweden as well, but I have never had the time to go to one!
About the Habaneros: I always put the ones I intend to overwinter in pots, since I find it a bit hard not to damage the roots when You dig them up, but I guess I have a lot shorter growing-season here, than what You have! But of course You can dig up plants as well, just be tender with the roots and get the deep ones as intact as You can before planting them in pots, otherwise (if You don´t get so much of the roots with You) You can cut the branches back at the same time (but of course You have to pick the fruit first)! Have a nice week! :) Mia
So sorry to learn of your father-in-law passing. My condolences to you and your family.
I do not have an apple tree, but there are many pick-your-own apple orchard here in the Hudson Valley.
Thank´s a lot, Norma! Sounds very good with pick-your-own apple orchards! That is a really good idée! Should be planted everywhere! Have a nice week! :) Mia
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